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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Here is another Blog!

But about What?

Time to Insert

I've been doing maybe just one that I've been liking: WordPress as ravenowl, now with another: in addition to "Is this all that I am" I've added "Work Out"! And almost immediately there after I injured my right middle finger! What a tragedy!
Well anyhow here is a Blog: Blogger to which I posted some things that could be copied and in most cases was just a link to a page! Boring!!
Now what?
Well we'll just have to create another personality!

Thursday, May 01, 2014

How long is along time

Here it's been less than 1 snow especially 'cause it didn't snow very much. I have for the most part been quite inactive. Certainly keeping the electricity on and eating.
Son Fred and his beautiful daughter Alaska Sue have been with me and what a wonderful addition to the house they are.
Only recently I've made changes to my life which is: July 2013 I quit smoking tobacco, haven't had a drink since then either, March this year I decided to quit smoking pot saying it was costing too much and after a week or two without I realized that for too long I've been lying to self in effort to control a nonexistent pain.
Also during the month of March I decided to quit sugar in effort to be an example for my son and granddaughter, in reality they were the example to me that encouraged my research into sugar and sweeteners. Here I discovered the High Fructose Corn Syrup and how bad it can be when over used and that by its very design those that do use it will become over users - quitting this HFCS is more difficult than quitting alcohol!
I am happy to say I feel so good even though I am in a hospital with a broken finger.
It really hasn't been a long time.